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Case study

Innovation and efficiency in transportation management

Challenge to more efficiently manage orders within its network of owned and outsourced vehicles and drivers.


Transwest, a leading transportation company, faced the challenge of managing its complex network of owned and outsourced vehicles more efficiently. The system needed to be able to collect and synchronize real-time data with their existing ERP system, manage CRM documents, and respond promptly to operational issues.

Collaboration with various transport partners (charters, subcontractors, etc.) is essential to ensure timely delivery of products to customers. This requires accurate completion and reporting of various CRM documents and incidents. To streamline this process, there is a need for an online portal that enables real-time data input and synchronization with the ERP system.

Innovative technology structure

Middleware and online portal

We developed a solution consisting of two components: a middleware and an online portal.

  • Middleware: This receives data from the ERP system, enriches it by breaking it down into logistics segments, adds driving instructions and calculates necessary parameters such as temperature. This enriched data is accurately distributed to the drivers' on-board computers and the online portal.
  • Online Portal: This portal provides a user-friendly interface where users can easily access real-time data and operational reports.


Continuous synchronization and user-friendly interaction

By integrating various APIs, we have created a seamless connection between the on-board computers, the online portal and Transwest's central ERP system. This promotes a constant flow of data and optimizes operational processes, significantly improving communication between Transwest and its partners.


Collaboration and innovation in practice

Working with Transwest gave us the opportunity to provide in-depth technology solutions specifically for the transportation industry. The project highlighted the importance of real-time data integration and revolutionized the way Transwest manages its transportation operations.

This project perfectly demonstrates how technological innovation can be used to simplify and optimize the complexity of logistics operations. Our approach ensures that Transwest remains at the forefront of the transportation industry with a system designed to evolve and scale with the company.

Technical implementation


Voor de front-end ontwikkeling van de Transwest management portal hebben we gekozen voor TailwindCSS en AlpineJS:

  • TailwindCSS: Hiermee konden we snel een aangepaste, responsieve interface bouwen met een utility-first benadering. Dit zorgde voor efficiënte en aanpasbare styling die de complexe vereisten van de portal kon ondersteunen.

  • AlpineJS: Hiermee implementeerden we subtiele interactieve elementen zonder de overhead van een zwaarder frontend framework zoals Vue of React.


Voor de backend hebben we Laravel gebruikt om een robuuste, schaalbare server-side oplossing te bieden:

  • API-ontwerp: Gericht op het efficiënt afhandelen van verzoeken en het naadloos synchroniseren met het ERP-systeem van Transwest. We ontwikkelden een complexe maar flexibele gegevensstructuur om tegemoet te komen aan de operationele en meertalige vereisten van het bedrijf.

  • Filament Integratie: Elk API-eindpunt werd zorgvuldig ontworpen om samenhangende en consistente gegevens te leveren, rekening houdend met taalspecifieke zichtbaarheid en gebruikersrechten. Deze aanpak zorgde ervoor dat informatie correct werd weergegeven en bewerkt via het beheerdersportaal, wat naadloos aansloot op de front-end.


Our work with Transwest demonstrates how technological innovation and precise data integration can help optimize logistics operations. By implementing a middleware and online portal, supported by modern frontend and backend technologies, we have created a scalable and future-proof system. This project enables Transwest to increase efficiency, improve communication, and stay ahead in the transportation industry.

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