Laravel Nova
Laravel Nova is a clever administration panel that lets you manage your data easily and visualise it in data dashboards.
Laravel Nova
Laravel Nova is not only easy to use, but also lightning-fast to configure so that you, the end user, can get started quickly to configure your website.
Codana uses Nova for all its new projects where our customers need an administration panel that is separate from the rest of the system and where you can do the administrative or content management tasks yourself.
Through Laravel Nova you can easily modify data, but also visualize it. The built-in visualization module allows us to quickly visualize your data and pour it into a dashboard.

Interested in a new Laravel project or an extension where we add a management system to your existing application?
Of course there are various solutions for building administration panels, such as Backpack, LaraAdmin, QuickAdmin, SleepingOwl Admin and many others. We have also tested these solutions and actually used them in existing projects.
However, when Taylor Otwell introduced Laravel Nova himself in July 2018 the choice was very easy, the certainty that the same main developers are behind the underlying Laravel Framework ensures that we do not have to worry about the lifespan of Nova. It also ensures that we can be sure that when new versions of Laravel are released, there will also be a release for Nova. This ensures that we can easily work on the latest versions, which also allows us to use recent versions for the rest of the application. If we can use a recent version of Laravel, upgrading with a possible security release is easier and faster to do.
This ensures that we can easily comply with our Service Level Agreements regarding security.
Adding Nova to an application is very simple, we add the nova dependency via composer and execute a number of artisan commands to publish the right things. Once we've done that, Nova is installed. This means that we can then start configuring Nova for the specific application.
We add Resources for each model we want to set up, creating the necessary fields and configuring them so that they are displayed in the right places.
Where we can really show that we really think along with you when creating custom metrics on your dashboard. These metrics provide a quick and easy overview of how your website is performing. Here we can start with rather simple metrics (new users, sold products, created relations) but of course we can always add more metrics. For example: revenue per product category for the last 30 days.

Laravel Nova is fantastic
A reliable admin backend for your webapp.