Need a PWA?

We are happy to help!

Advantages of a PWA

A PWA can do almost everything a native app can and avoids the disadvantages of native apps.

  • Browser support: The same app works on every modern browser. So you do not need to build different apps for each operating system. iOS, Mac OS, Linux, Windows, Android,... are supported.
  • Offline support: From the moment the app is loaded in the user's home screen, it loads immediately, regardless of whether a network connection is active.
  • Push notifications: one of the most valuable features because it can increase engagement. Treebo received a 4x higher conversion rate after launching their PWA with push notifications.
  • Fast: Fast response time to user interactions.
    Did you know that 53% of users leave a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load?
  • Responsive: your app looks good, on all devices
  • Up-to-date: All your users always have an up to date version and do not have to download any apps.

Advantages of a PWA over native apps

  • A native app is more expensive to develop
  • A native app requires installation from the app store, which is a barrier for many end users
  • A native app is subject to the general terms and conditions of the platform owners (Apple and Google)

Is a PWA always a better choice?

Native apps are always more performant than a PWA, because they make direct use of underlying APIs. However, PWAs are approaching the capabilities of native apps more and more. At, you can see exactly which features are or are not available for PWAs.

A PWA for students


Why do you need a PWA?

A PWA is often a good choice. You can learn that from the story of Pinterest. After a thorough internal analysis, it turned out that Pinterest could only convert 1% of its anonymous website visitors to a registration, login or app installation.

The reason?

Pinterest case study for PWA

A PWA can do what a website cannot

The "normal" website could not offer many features of Pinterest. But for many visitors, the step to installing an app from the app store is simply too big. As a remedy, Pinterest developed a PWA. Would you like to know more? Read this performance comparison of Pinterest's old and new website.

A PWA offers numerous advantages

Curious? We would be happy to tell you how a PWA could be the best solution for you.